
Friday, April 3, 2015

How to make a doll Easter Basket

Hello there! Well, spring break is finally here for me, so that means I will be posting more often! Also, I'm hoping to do a post for Easter. But today, since Easter is almost here, I am going to showing you how to make a doll Easter basket! This is something I made a long time ago, but this one is updated. So, here is how you make an Easter Basket for your doll!

You will need:
Easter colored paper
Glue (hot glue and glue stick)
Cardboard rolls
Duct tape
Cardboard (not pictured)
Scissors (not pictured)
Pencil (not pictured)
Brown colored pencil (not pictured)

By the way, you don't need Rainbow Loom bands. I was going to use them for the handle, but I changed my mind. You can if you want to, though.

You're going to need a cardboard tube about this size. Mine came from a small roll of duct tape, so it's pretty sturdy. But if you don't have one of these, you could cut a toilet paper roll down to size.

Cover it in duct tape. (haha see my carrot that I was eating in the background? :D )

Trace your tube thingy onto some cardboard.


I find it helpful to cut a square outside of the circle and then cut it out.

This is what it will look like when it's all cut out.

Cover it in duct tape.

Now, hot glue it to the tube!

For the handle, you can use duct tape, but I was almost out, so I didn't. So for the handle, cut out a rectangle. Make sure it is long enough a handle. Also, make it fairly wide.

Fold it up to make it thin.

Now, unfold it and put glue all over it.

Fold it back up, then glue one side to the INSIDE of your basket. Then curve the rest of it with your fingers, and glue the other side down. Hot glue is best for this.

Yay! You've finished your basket!!

But let's say you don't have duct tape, or you want you basket to look more like a basket.

Then let's get on with this next way!

Put your tube on some paper. Draw a little line on the edge. Roll it down carefully, drawing a line as you go.

Cut it out.

Now, we're going to draw a basket pattern on it! Brown colored pencil works best for this.

To draw the pattern, you have to do a pattern like this: = || = || = ||
Cover your whole paper. Remember to alternate every time!

This is what it should look like when it's all the way covered.

Put some glue on the back...

...And glue it to your tube!

Now, trace the tube on cardboard and cut it out. Next, put your circle on a piece of paper that is the same color as the other part of your basket. Trace it on the paper, and then trace a larger circle around it. Cut it out on the larger line.

Now I have my 2 circles.

Cut little notches all around the edge, going down to the small circle.

Glue your cardboard circle to the small circle.

Glue all the notches to the cardboard.

When you're done, it should look like this.

Now if you want to make it EXTRA neat, trace your tube on the matching paper and cut it out. Glue it to the messy part of your circle.

Make the handles the same way we made them before, and glue on the bottom the same way as well.
Yay! You're done!

I hope you enjoyed!



  1. Devin, this is ava! I'm making this basket with the same tape you have XD!

    1. Hello Ava!! Yeah, that tape is so cute. Did you start a blog?!
