
Monday, January 25, 2016

What I've been making #1!

Hi! Before we get started, I just want to say that I posted a Name That Doll about a month ago and still haven't gotten any names. Please comment here with names!
Now that that's out of the way, a while ago I announced that I was going to be doing a new series called What I've been making inspired by Kaitlyn's What I've been sewing. I haven't started that series yet, so here's the first one! All these items are supposed to go together like a set, by the way.

First up we've got this little bracelet for a dolly. And oh my word guys, this was SO hard to make! I know it might not seem hard, but the beads fell off the string about 20 times. I'm not even exaggerating. It looks really cute on the dollies, though!

And here is this little hair clip. It was kind of rusty, so I tried to cover up the rusty spots with some gold glitter glue. I kind of wish I had used silver or pink, though.

This is the head band! You might not be able to tell, but it is actually a cut piece from tights! I glued on some buttons and put glitter glue on them. I really like how this turned out!

Close up of the buttons.

And finally we have the gloves. These were by far the easiest to make. All I did was sew two tubes of felt and snip a little hole for the thumbs - done! You could make these finger-less gloves in 5 minutes. I used a machine, so that made it extra fast.

Well, thanks for reading! Bye!



  1. Everything is SO cute!!! I absolutely love the bracelet and the headband! :)

    1. Thank you! Also, thanks so much for inspiring me!

  2. Devin those are the like the gloves you sent for niki!! So cute

    1. Yeah! I used the same technique. What color are Nicki's? I forgot!

  3. Oh, gees! I am in love with that adorable bracelet! :)
