
Monday, September 19, 2016


Hi guys.
I'm kind of sad.
Well, I work really hard on this blog, and I only have nine followers. I appreciate every one of you that follows my blog(so so so much) but I just don't understand. What can I do to get more followers? I'm not home schooled, like a lot of other bloggers, so that's why I don't post a lot. I just...feel like nobody in the blogging world cares about AwesomeAGClub.




  1. It's ok! I will promote you on my blog and tell my follower (yes follower, not followerS!) to follow you! Have you told your friends about your blog? I am sure they would follow you!

    1. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

    2. Ok, I posted it! Sorry the post is so short but, I couldn't really think of anything else!

  2. Honesty I have no idea how to follow, even though I come on here frequently. I'll be sure to check into that💜 Also I sent you an email

    1. Hi💙! In the top right corner there should be a thing that says sign in . Click on it and sign in to follow:) thank you! Also I'm sorry I didn't reply:( my email isnt working at the moment. I'll fix it tho!

  3. Why would you think that??? I don't have a google account, but I go to your blog at least 3 times a week!!!

  4. I HATE the 'prove you're not a robot thing' !!!
