Sunday, July 5, 2015

Not Molly

If you look at the poll on my sidebar, you will see that it says 8 votes for Molly, 1 vote for Sadie, 1 vote for Rosie, 0 votes for Sophie, 0 votes for Gracie.

I probably should take Molly to England because that who you guys want me to take.
.......But I'm taking Rosie instead.

I hope you're all ok with that! It's just, I always take Molly places. I've never taken Rosie anywhere. So yeah..
Also, I would like to know (I have no idea why) why you voted for the doll you voted for. Don't worry, the other dolls won't be offended. :)

Enjoy your day!



  1. I had no idea where the sidebar was so I didn't vote! Lol

  2. I voted for Sadie because she is very silly and creative

  3. Cool have fun in England feel free to check out my blog
